Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Ansley at FIVE months!

So, mommy never got around to taking your "official" 5 month pictures ... so sorry baby girl! We had a ton of stuff going on with lots of family in for Thanksgiving and then getting ready for Christmas.  We have tons of cute pictures ... so your sweet little Christmas photo shoot will have to work for this month's picture ...

Family Christmas picture at the mall after your very first Santa picture.  It was Decemeber 7th, just a few days after you turned 5 months ... 

At 5 months, you are not at all considering sleeping through the night.  That's a big NO for you at this point. We are up every three hours eating, but you do go back to bed very quickly after you eat, which we are very grateful for!  We started rice cereal after you turned 4 months.  You practice cereal on a spoon every evening and its a big hot mess!  We all need more practice! You are a champ at your big girl paci now.  You just like to have it to calm down when your sleepy fussy, but other than that, you dont need it much.  You LOVE your Freddie the Firefly!!  You lay on the floor on blankets and play as long as he is around to keep you entertained. You are still wearing 3-6 month clothes and moving up to 6 month pjs because your too long.  Your best time of the day is early morning. You wake up around 5 or 6 every morning and yell for your daddy to come get you.  I say that because he always does and you spend the next few hours cuddling in the bed with your daddy.  Its your morning routine and you both love it!! Mommy takes that time to go workout and when I get back we get started for the day.  You are so much fun in the mornings with huge smiles and lots of sweet giggles.  You take two good naps at daycare and it never fails that as soon as I get home in the evenings, you take a nap around 5:30 or 6:00.  You are really cranky in the evenings.  After your cat nap you eat and pass out for the night around 8:00.  I dont get too sad because I know I will spend plenty of time with you throughout the night. Ha! Your sweet and sassy little personality is shining through more and more everyday.  You love to play on your tummy and you can easily roll to your tummy from your back, but when you get tired of it, you get mad because you are not great at rolling off your tummy. Ha! You'll get there soon enough!  This month was busy ... but I try to slow down and soak up your little moments everyday!

Just after your 4 month doctor's appointment ..... we are about to try rice cereal for the first time!! 

 You really weren't a huge fan ... and you weren't good at it at all. Ha!! We will keep practicing!! 
 Reading a book with Aunt Leslie ... 
 Playtime at your sweet aunt Leslie's house ...

 Christmas Photo Shoot!!!! So much FUN!! 

 We LOVE that you are happy to hang out in your high chair while we get things done in the kitchen!! You are so good to sit and chill as long as you have your Freddie the Firefly ....
 Such a big girl at your Mrs. Catherine's house!
 Ridin' around in daddy's truck ... headed for a lunch date

 "To heck with my milks! I want what your having mommy!!"

 The girls at daycare like to make masks and play dress up.  You are a good sport for getting dressed up too!! 

Life is crazy busy and flying by SO fast!! Halloween and Thanksgiving have already come and gone. Now its time to get ready for Christmas.  We are SO excited to celebrate our first Christmas with you as our sweet little family!! Your the best baby girl and we love you more than words!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how big she is and such a pretty girl! Love the Christmas photo shoot = )
