Sunday, June 17, 2012

Ansley's Room

After a few very long weekends of painting and sanding and two very "type A" personalities ... the transformation is complete!  35 weeks along in the pregnancy leaves just a few weeks to spare. We are SO ready to meet you baby girl! 

Working on baby girl's room ...

Time to get the Baby's room put together ... which somehow starts with destruction .... 

Big helper ... 

Baby Shower in Texas

Sunday, May 20th
Hooray for our very first baby shower in Mineral Wells with sweet family and friends!!  Thank you to these three very special ladies!! Miss Ansley is so blessed by her aunt Kia, aunt Alicia and aunt Brenda to put together such a sweet shower at home in Texas. 

Ready for saturday mornings at the local farmer's market in Fayetteville ...

A sweet small piece of our home town


.... handmade from aunt Brenda

The MOST important hair bow/accessory organizer.  Handmade by aunt Kia. 

 Ansley is well on her way to having a shoe section in her closet that looks just like her mothers. Ha!