Monday, September 5, 2011

Change of plans....

So the short version of the long story that has seemed to consume the past year of our lives .... selling and moving on.  Travis and I bought our first home in Rogers, where we LOVED living very close to the lake and my favorite boat dock cafe.  Perfect place to escape for a relaxing dinner with friends and family.  Little did we know life was moving to Fayetteville (and beyond) and we would be too ... sooner or later. 

The day came that Travis decided we needed to change everything ... great. One day after work he breaks the news to me ..... "I know I have been planning on grad school in Fayetteville, but I've done a lot of thinking bla bla bla ... I'm going to grad school in Oklahoma."  WHAT?!?!

So after a few days to process, absorb and make a new plan ... the house went on the market and so began the next 10 months of trying to sell a home. Ugh!!  

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